Thank you for your interest in participating as a retailer in this campaign. 

There are FOUR attractive reasons for hobby games retailers to back this particular campaign, being:

  1.  The ability to purchase attractive Retail Pledge Packages at great wholesale discounts and handy in-store promotional materials

  2.  Receive inventory of retail exclusive KeyForge: Prophetic Vision decks (only available to retail backers). These are standard Prophetic Visions decks, especially marked, that each will feature a foil card (something never seen before in KeyForge)

  3.  Receive inventory copies of the new special KeyForge set (to be announced and revealed during the campaign). A set especially created for hobby games retailers

  4.  When you participate in this campaign, consumer backers will, during the Pledge Manager period, be able to designate your store as their favorite KeyForge Home Base. Depending on the level of consumer-backer support for your store, you'll get an increasingly valuable Home Base Backer bonus (see more below).


To participate in this campaign as a retailer, you must purchase one of the three packages below (ordering multiple packages, or a mix of packages, is allowed). 

To order, simple click on the pledge image and add the product to your cart. To complete your pledge, you'll  need to check out and complete payment (shipping invoice to follow during the pledge manager stage).


The small retail pledge provides the following:

2 KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Displays
(MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 1 KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Exclusive Retail Edition display (with foil cards) (MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 1 KeyForge: Crucible Clash display  (MSRP $179.88/ea)

MSRP VALUE: $719.52

PRICE: $349

(Wholesale Discount 51.5%)

The medium retail pledge provides the following:

- 6 KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Displays

(MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 2 KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Exclusive Retail Edition display (with foil cards) (MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 2 KeyForge: Crucible Clash displays  (MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 1 KeyForge SuperKey (MSRP $29.99/ea)

MSRP VALUE: $1,828.79

PRICE: $849

(Wholesale Discount 53.6%)

The large retail pledge provides the following:

- 12 KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Displays

(MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 4 KeyForge: Prophetic Vision Exclusive Retail Edition display (with foil cards) (MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 6 KeyForge: Crucible Clash displays (MSRP $179.88/ea)

- 2 KeyForge SuperKey (MSRP $29.99/ea)

MSRP VALUE: $4,376.10

PRICE: $1,799

(Wholesale Discount 58.9%)

If you want to add additional KeyForge item to your wholesale order, please contact


REtailers Must Submit Pledges By 

December 31 

to be Eligible For Home Base Bonuses

During the Pledge Manager phase of the campaign, all consumer backers of the KeyForge: Prophetic Visions campaign will be given a chance to designate their favorite KeyForge Home Base retailers.

The more support your store gets from consumer backers, the higher your Home Base level* will become (Sentry, Outpost, Castle, or Fortress). Depending on your store's level, you will receive the Home Base Backer Bonus at no cost to you (except for shipping charges). You'll need the support of at least one consumer backer to reach the Outpost level.

(* The amount of support to attain the Home Base levels are determined solely by Ghost Galaxy)

KeyForge home base "outpost" BONUS

Awarded to participating retail stores that receive at least some level of support from consumer-backers.

Outpost Bonus Package:

  • 6 KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Exclusive Retail Edition decks (with foil cards) (MSRP $14.99/ea)
  • 3 decks of hobby retailer exclusive Ultra-rare KeyForge: MORE Mutation decks (MSRP $19.99/ea)

KeyForge home base "Castle" BONUS

Awarded to participating retail stores that receive substantial levels of support from consumer-backers.

Castle Bonus Package:

  • 1 Display of KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Exclusive Retail Edition (MSRP $179.88)
  • 6 decks of hobby retailer exclusive Ultra-rare KeyForge: MORE Mutation decks (MSRP $19.99/ea)

KeyForge home base "FORTRESS" BONUS

Awarded to participating retail stores that receive the very highest levels of support from consumer-backers.

Fortress Bonus Package:

  • 1 Display of KeyForge: Prophetic Visions Exclusive Retail Edition (12 decks, ea with foil card) (MSRP $179.88)
  • 1 Display of hobby retailer exclusive Ultra-rare KeyForge: MORE Mutation (12 decks,decks (MSRP $239.88)
  • 1 Display of new special KeyForge set (to be announced) (MSRP $179.88)

REtailers Must Submit Pledges By 

December 31 

to be Eligible For Home Base Bonuses

Keyforge: Crucible clash?

KeyForge: Crucible Clash  is a special set made for hobby game retailers, intended for sealed play.

A KeyForge: Crucible Clash deck is balanced for competitive play only against other KeyForge: Crucible Clash decks. This limitation has allowed designers to create a set that maximizes fun and exciting gameplay. What more, each KeyForge: Crucible Clash deck comes with an entirely new game mechanic: Archon abilities!

We are making only very small amounts of these decks available to the public, as we want players to come to your store for a good Crucible Clash brawl!

Keyforge: More mutation?

KeyForge: MORE Mutation is a special set based on the most popular and hardest-to-find past KeyForge set, Mass Mutation

KeyForge: MORE Mutation includes a curated pool of cards from KeyForge: Mass Mutation the older set (with new Legacy cards), and includes eleven additional "gigantic creatures" and related support cards to allow each House in KeyForge: MORE Mutation to field two different gigantic creatures.

What more, KeyForge: MORE Mutation is an ultra-rare set available exclusively* to Home Base retailers

* Not even Ghost Galaxy will offer these decks online or at shows. However, the set may be offered to qualifying Home Base retailers in the future.



Shipping for each retail pledge is presented in the table below. Home Base bonus items will incur an additional shipping charge (proportional to the content of the bonus).

We do not currently have a cost-effective method of shipping wholesale orders to anywhere in the Far East, including China and Hong Kong. If you are a retailer in an eastern nation, we will try to work with you for shipping solutions on a one-to-one basis. If no reasonable option can be found, we will refund your pledge deposit.

The cost above represents the cost of the first retail pledge purchased. For those retailers purchasing multiple pledges (of the same or different types), our estimate is that shipping cost will be equal to the shipping cost of the highest tier pledge, plus 65% of the above cost for subsequent pledges. 

For example: A Canadian retailer purchasing one large, one medium, and one small pledge, would be charged $70.00 + $26 ($45 x 0.65) + $19.50 ($30 x 0.65) = $118.75. This is an estimate.

The costs above do not include the incremental additional shipping charges for including the Home Base Bonus.

TAX and duties

If you are a non-U.S. retailer, you will need to provide Ghost Galaxy with the relevant information (such as tax ID) to facilitate importation into your country. 

The shipping prices provided above are not inclusive of any import duties, tariffs, and tax payments required by your country-of-import. You are solely responsible for understanding any such costs and process.

U.S. Retailers may be asked to provide a reseller certificate to be exempt from U.S. sales tax.